Polaris Sensor Technologies, Inc..

Trust the Sky to Guide You Home

When it comes to navigation, there's no room for error. Whether you're piloting a drone, navigating a ship, or leading a tactical mission, accuracy and reliability are essential. But what happens when GPS isn't an option? You can trust SkyPASS to guide you home even when other systems fail.

SkyPASS Lets You Navigate With Confidence

Reliable GPS-Denied Navigation

Highly Accurate

SkyPASS is north-finding in challenging conditions, with less than 2-mil heading accuracy and 4-mil pitch/roll accuracies. It provides absolute positioning so you can make important navigation decisions without GPS.

Works in Difficult Conditions

Because it’s driftless, spoof-proof, and not affected by magnetic disturbances, you can count on SkyPASS in difficult situations. 24/7 operation ensures that it’s always working to bring you home safely, even in civil twilight or at night.

Quick and Easy to Use

Every second counts when you’re on the move. That’s why SkyPASS has an immediate time-to-fix, and there’s no setup or leveling required. It’s easy to install and integrate into your system or platform.

Low Swap-C

Small and Energy-Efficient

When it comes to mission-critical equipment, efficiency matters. SkyPASS is small enough to hold in your hand and requires low power to operate, making it easy to fit in existing systems and platforms.


With SkyPASS, you can navigate with confidence without breaking the bank. This system offers high-quality performance at a fraction of the cost of other GPS-denied navigation options.


SkyPASS can be used on almost any platform including UAS, vehicle, personnel, far-target locator, watercraft, and aircraft. It can be customized to fit your mission or platform as needed.

SkyPASS Partners

Do you need to navigate without GPS? See how SkyPASS can work for your mission.

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Inspired by Nature, Powered by Polarization

For thousands of years, humans have used celestial navigation to explore the seas and discover new territories, including the ancient Polynesians who skillfully navigated among the islands of the South Pacific* and the Vikings who used sky polarization to guide their ships.

Sky Polarization provides powerful navigation information that is used by many insects and birds to help them find their way.

SkyPASS which stands for Sky Position and Azimuth Sensing System, combines nature-inspired navigation techniques with cutting-edge technology to help you reach your destination safely. Utilizing sky polarization increases the availability of the system in twilight and in cloudy skies.


How SkyPASS Works

SkyPASS uses sky polarization, sun/moon, and star tracking to get an accurate heading and determine your position when GPS is lost, even in challenging conditions such as civil twilight or at night.

Sky Polarization
Star Tracking
Sun/Moon Tracking

Finding Your Way Without GPS

Why SkyPASS?
Orientation Accuracy
1-2 mil
Small Form Factor
Operation in Cloudy Conditions
Low Cost
Not Sensitive to Magnetic Interruption
Spoof Proof & Driftless
How do the alternatives compare?
SkyPASSINS GNSSMagnetic CompassRing Laser Fiber OpticIMU AHRS
Orientation Accuracy1-2 milMovement Dependent>10 mil0.5-4 milDrift Dependent
Small Form Factor
Low Cost
Spoof Proof
Not Sensitive to Magnetic Interruption
Operation in Cloudy Conditions

Technical Specifications

Parts Legend
1 Star Channel
2 Sun/Moon Channel
3 Sky Polarization Channel
4 Cable Connection
SkyPASS Gen3-P1SkyPASS Gen3SkyPASS Gen3-N
Optical SensorsPolarizationPolarization, SunPolarization, Sun/Moon, Star
Time of DayLimited Daytime, Civil/Nautical TwilightDaytime, Civil/Nautical TwilightDaytime, Civil/Nautical Twilight, Night
Sky ConditionsFull Operation in Clear Skies, Limited Operation or Degraded Accuracy in Haze/Fog/Clouds
EnvironmentalDesigned to IP67
Heading Accuracy (static)<2 mil (0.11º)
Heading Resolution0.2 mil (0.01º)
Heading Accuracy (dynamic)<4 mil (0.23º)
Roll/Pitch Accuracy<4 mil (0.02º)
Size - L x W x H (in)1.49 x 1.49 x 1.183.5 x 1.9 x 2.44.1 x 3.9 x 3.2
Weight (oz)1.76820
Max Measurement Frequency (Hz)-1
Power Draw (W)-4.1
Input Voltage (VDC)-5
Interface-RS232, RS422
Note: Required inputs to calculate heading include position accurate to within 1km and time accurate to within 1s
1. Single optical channel; does not include embedded processor (designed to be integrated in host system with external pitch/roll sensor)
*Specifications subject to change; SkyPASS is Export Controlled
SkyPASS is ITAR-Free and designed to IP67.

SkyPASS in Action

Whether you’re piloting an aircraft, sailing over the ocean, or even on foot, SkyPASS helps you navigate safely to the next destination—no GPS required.

When your mission is critical, you don’t have time to waste on navigation. You need to have a reliable way to find out where you are and where you’re headed. You can trust SkyPASS to guide you home safely, regardless of GPS availability.
Your ship must be able to navigate safely at all times. However, spotty GPS signals can pose a threat to your vessel, cargo, and crew. Safeguard your maritime shipping operation with SkyPASS so that your team can always arrive safely at the next destination.
When you’re mid-flight, getting even a few degrees off course can quickly add up to miles. You need a navigational tool that works immediately and can’t be jammed, spoofed, or denied. That way, your flight will always stay on track.

SkyPASS in Action

Military • Shipping • Aviation

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SkyPASS is immune to GPS-inhibiting techniques and unaffected by magnetic anomalies. It provides improved availability under cloud cover and in challenging environments like urban areas, under canopy, or during twilight and sunrise/sunset. SkyPASS can be used in conjunction with traditional navigation methods, or as a standalone system.
SkyPASS is a compact and lightweight system that can be easily mounted on a variety of platforms, from drones to ships to ground vehicles. It requires minimal power and can operate using a low voltage of 4.1 W | 5 VDC.
SkyPASS is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. It does not require any leveling or initialization and can be quickly integrated into existing systems. Training and support are available to ensure successful implementation.
SkyPASS provides highly accurate heading information, with less than 2 mil RMS azimuth errors and less than 4 mil RMS pitch/roll errors. Its polarization sensing technology allows it to maintain accuracy even in challenging environments.
SkyPASS was originally developed for military use, but its benefits have also been recognized in other industries, such as commercial aviation and shipping.
SkyPASS is a cost-effective solution compared to other navigation systems, such as ring laser or fiber optic gyroscopes. Its low power consumption and small size also make it a more efficient option for many applications.
Yes, SkyPASS is available for purchase. to learn more about pricing and availability.

Your Mission is Our Mission

Polaris is here to help you solve challenging problems with cutting-edge technology. We will design, develop, and manufacture the solution you need to complete your mission.

For More Information on SkyPASS

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